Videography and Social Media: How to Tell a Story on Social Video
Social video is an increasingly critical component of any digital marketing strategy. Learn how to integrate this growing content form into your strategy.
Social video is an increasingly critical component of any digital marketing strategy. Learn how to integrate this growing content form into your strategy.
Content is King The key to any successful online campaign is content, without words, pictures, videos or links consider your digital footprint negligible. Whether you are building a personal, company, charitable or non-profit digital footprint you need to consider the content for each relevant social networking site. Here are some tips and examples of great content use and great digital storytelling: Pinterest 37% of Pinterest account holders log in a few times every week; 28% said they log in a few times a month; 15% log in once daily; 10% log in numerous times a day. (PriceGrabber) Sewing Concepts
Today we live in a world saturated by all types of media. Engaging with media has become a part of almost every moment of our lives, our generation has learned to multi-task like no other, we don’t just look at our phones, or just watch the television or just go on the internet but we do all of that at the one time while also trying to balance a plate of dinner on our lap. Our generation is drawn to visual and audio more than ever before. YouTube is an internet sensation and has revolutionized the sharing and watching of videos