How to Create & Implement Long-Tail SEO Keywords

How to Create & Implement Long-Tail SEO Keywords

Long-Tail SEO Keywords Graphic

The term SEO, short for Search Engine Optimisation can represent any tactic that helps a website be found by search engines and rank highly in user search results. This means there are hundreds of ways to achieve some amount of optimisation.

Most of these methods stem from the use of keywords embedded in your landing page and content because search engine crawlers will compare the words you use with the words users type into the search box.

Understanding how your target audiences’ searches is the key to successfully helping them find you through the search engine algorithms. While short, general keywords are a great place to start like “Hotel” or “Dublin”, one of the most successful SEO tactics is the long-tail keyword system.

This is because when users really want to find something, they use several specifying terms in their search. Your job is to mirror that specifying pattern and work the keyword phrases helpfully into your content. Not sure where to start? Let’s go step-by-step through building some long-tail keywords for your organisation.

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Your Product or Service

The first keywords you start with should describe what you have to offer. A catering service, for example, that caters primarily to weddings, reunions, and birthdays would use the opening keywords “Wedding Catering”, “Reunion Catering” and “Birthday Party Catering”.

A locksmith, on the other hand, might simply go with “Locksmith” or “Locksmithing”, but could also include “Copy Keys”, “New Locks”, and “Car Rescues” because these are all services they offer. Starting keywords are more complex for retail stores because they can use their store type or any one of their products or categories of products.

For your business or organisation, list a few choice keywords that clearly describe what you provide to your customers. If you are a restaurant, list the ways to describe your food and even some of your most popular dishes.

Law offices on the other hand often start with the various kinds of cases they handle, while marketing firms will have a selection of services along with general terms. Knowing your business, decide what central products or services your potential customers will look for first.

Of course, not everyone using SEO is a business. If you’re promoting a charity cause or political campaign, then your SEO words should instead focus the concepts you’d like to share with your audience.

If your non-profit focuses on rescuing animals, then your keywords might go along the lines of “saving animals” or “animal rescue” and so on. A political campaign, on the other hand, will be better off focusing on platform issues so that your website will appear when people who might support you search for relevant topics. For example, “housing crisis”.


Your Service Location

The next step is to add the area you provide service to or have shops within. Many users search with a location in mind, especially if looking for something local or planning a trip.

Even if the users themselves don’t enter a location into the text box, most search engines have begun detecting user locations and offering businesses it perceives as being nearby. The next piece of the tail is your location.

Therefore, the catering company would then use “Wedding Catering in Dublin”, but you can also add other surrounding areas, making “Catering for Birthday Parties in Dun Laoighaire ” and “Reunion Catering near Clontarf” just as useful.

Consider where you are and what cities, towns or villages you can reach to start your “long-tail” on the original listed keywords. Small intervening words like “in”, “near”, or “west of” and the like can help but aren’t necessary for search engines to find you because people now expect Google to serve up localised content and indeed it is.

This gives you some freedom with sentence structure when working the keyword phrases into your content.

Understanding how your target audience searches is the key to successfully helping them find you through the search engine algorithms. | #SEO #JSBTalksDigital Click To Tweet


Special Details

Most of the time, companies don’t just offer one thing, and appealing to special interest is a great way to increase your conversion rate for customers who know exactly what they want.

A catering company, for instance, might be completely passed over by a very specific bride who searches for “fusion cuisine for Donegal wedding 500 people” unless they’ve done some serious long-tail preparation, even if they offer fusion cuisine for weddings in Donegal.

When constructing specialty long-tail keywords, think about your customers or audience members that know exactly what they want and how they would phrase a specific request.

Remember the classic latte order “mocha-chino with strawberry syrup, hold the foam, extra whip cream” and so on. What are the details your customers most frequently ask for?

How can you describe your products or content in detail in a way that will help them get found by very specific search engine users? Add these phrases to your list of keywords, then mix and match details and locations for best results.

One efficient way to cover your bases is with informative content pages that list the details of your services, cause, or platform. This is not only useful SEO, it’s incredibly helpful to curious customers and community members!


Answering Questions

As a final long-tail SEO trick, consider how many people type questions into a search engine as if it were a person, or ask their voice-activated smart devices full form questions. When your content “asks” a commonly queried question, then answers it, search engines know how to look for that!

Our locksmith, for example, may rope in many customers with a blog titled “When Do I Need to Change My Locks?”. An honest and informative answer will guide customers who really do need your services into conversions and build a positive reputation with readers who are assured that while they don’t need you yet, they might in the future.

To create question-optimised content, think like a Jeopardy game. What questions do your products or services hold the answers to? Retail can often rely on the format “Where can I find a …” while services may find better luck with the “What do I do when …?” questions.

Causes and campaigns might focus on “How do I help with…?” or “What’s going on with…?” along with other much more topic-specific questions. However, every industry and organisation unique. Add these question phrases to your list of long-tail keywords to complete the collection.



You now have a tidy collection of long-tail keywords to start dynamic SEO content creation.

How you use them is your choice. You can keep them in tidy groups, mix and match for variable results, use exact phrasing or try catch search results when the words are in a random order.

Everyone searches a little differently but what they search for can be identified with a combination of intuition about your personal audience and data research on which search terms are being used most often, particularly in relation to your industry or cause.

What there is to know about SEO and examples for application could fill many e-books, but your best toolkit is a little bit of knowledge and a lot of common sense. Remember to think like a searching user and mirror those key phrases to help them come to you.

With a properly optimized website and inbound marketing content, your position on search engine results and rate of successful conversions will soon be on the rise. For more interesting SEO information, contact us today!

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