100 Of The Best Digital Marketing and Social Media Tools

Best Digital Marketing and Social Media Tools

I love finding new tools, apps and software to help me deliver more effective and results-driven digital marketing and social media.

This blog post is collection of all my favourite tools used so far! Do you have a favourite, comment on this blog post and I’ll add it when I try it out. 

BLOG: 100+ Of The Best #DigitalMarketing and #SocialMedia Tools Click To Tweet

1. Missinglettr

MissinglettrMissinglettr create a series of tweets for each of your blog posts and schedules them on Twitter for you. When Missinglettr detects a new blog post, it will create a series of tweets, each focusing on different parts of your article. This is a brilliant time saving tool!

Check it out: https://missinglettr.com/

2. Meet Edgar


I blog a lot, at least twice a week, but as Ian Cleary, Founder of RazorSocial.com says, the hard work starts when you have to promote your blog posts and get traffic to your website. I also have to create other types of content to share across my 10 social networks.

Meet Edgar allows me to schedule and manage content on my Facebook profile, Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, LinkedIn profile and LinkedIn company page. I not only publish my most recent posts, I also re-publish old posts from my blog. I have connected the RSS feed of my blog to Meet Edgar and so it recognizes when a new blog post is published!

It also gives me the stats on how each post is performing in terms of engagement – so likes, comments and shares.

Check it out: https://meetedgar.com/

3. Pretty Link Plugin


Pretty Link enables you to shorten links using your own domain name (as opposed to using tinyurl.com, bit.ly, or any other link shrinking service)! In addition to creating clean links, Pretty Link tracks each hit on your URL and provides a full, detailed report of where the hit came from, the browser, OS and host.

Pretty Link is a killer plugin for people who want to clean up their affiliate links, track clicks from emails, their links on Twitter to come from their own domain, or generally increase the reach of their website by spreading these links on forums or comments on other blogs.

Check it out: https://prettylinks.com/

4. SumoMe


You’ve heard me talk before at length about the power of your community. While we are all using social networks to build brand profile and sell we ought to push that traffic to our own website and build a list! So one tool I use to help me build a bigger and better list is SumoMe.

Check it out: https://sumo.com/

5. RiteTag


RiteTag is a hashtag research tool that generates instant hashtag suggestions for images and texts on desktop and mobile based on real time hashtag engagement.

Check it out: https://ritetag.com/

6. Google Analytics Chrome Extension

Page Analytics (by Google)How often are you online and wondering how your website is performing from a traffic perspective?

Well that thought is regularly on my mind. So that’s why I love the Google Analytics Chrome Extension. It allows you to get detailed information about each page of your website while you browse it.

Check it out: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/page-analytics-by-google/fnbdnhhicmebfgdgglcdacdapkcihcoh?hl=en

7. Klout 

KloutKlout is a website and mobile app that uses social media analytics to rank its users according to online social influence via the “Klout Score”, which is a numerical value between 1 and 100. So what does your Klout score really mean and does it matter?

I use this tool when trying to communicate to prospective clients how influential I am online. If they don’t convert on client testimonials, previous work case studies or your education, then I suggest dropping in your Klout score! Klout’s algorithm aggregates data from your main social networks and scores your influence.

Check it out: https://klout.com/home

8. Google Alerts 

Google AlertsIf people are talking about you and your business online, you want to know about it. As a small business, large business or even as an individual it’s important to monitor your online reputation.

Google Alerts is a content change detection and notification service, offered by Google. The service sends emails to you when it finds new results based on your alert.

Check it out: https://www.google.com/alerts

9. Boomerang

BoomerangI send and receive a lot of emails! There are tactics that productivity experts proclaim in relation to email and that’s to check your email only twice a day – late morning and late afternoon.

But if like me you are working in real-time and getting feedback from clients and need to email a bit more regularly, them why not try out Boomerang. Boomerang for Gmail let’s you take control of when you send and receive emails!

Check it out: https://www.boomeranggmail.com/

10. Slack

SlackI am a project manager and lots of my time is briefing and directing my team on client work. We are also spread all over the world in different time zones and in different countries. To reduce death by email we use an app called Slack, which has some great functionality.

Check it out: https://slack.com/

11. SocialRank

SocialRankI love Twitter as it’s a very important social network to help me stay in touch with influencers in my industry. One way I do this is by using SocialRank, a free tool to identify, organize, and manage your followers on Twitter.

Check it out: https://socialrank.com/

12. Ripl

RiplI am always on the go, running in heels, rushing from one meeting to another – selling, consulting, training and speaking. So often I create social media graphics on my iPhone.

Ripl is one of my favourite visual storytelling apps as it combines, photos, text and music, which you can then share on your favourite social networks.

Check it out: http://ripl.com/

13. Buffer

BufferBuffer is a social media management tool and I use it for some client projects. You can easily manage multiple social media on one user-friendly dashboard. It is an affordable option for small businesses. It’s free to connect one social media account per platform and starts at just $10 per month for up to 10 accounts per platform.

Buffer supports Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and Instagram and automates the timing of your social media posts. I love its browser extension and it has a mobile app for iOS and Android.

Check it out: https://buffer.com/

14. Facebook Save Chrome Extension

Save to FacebookMost people will know about the ‘Save’ button which you can tap to save an article to read later on Facebook.

Did you know this feature was launched in 2014, and has 300 million users per month?

Check it out: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/save-to-facebook/jmfikkaogpplgnfjmbjdpalkhclendgd?hl=en

15. Voxer

VoxerVoxer is the only app that delivers voice live. You can listen immediately or listen later at your convenience. It’s huge Stateside. My friend Derek Larson introduced me to it in Bournemouth when we attended the UK Digital Citizenship Summit.

Check it out: https://www.voxer.com/

16. Customer Lifetime Value Calculator

Customer Lifetime ValueDo you know how much a customer is worth to your business after you calculate the cost of winning them? For online marketers, Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is one of the most important metrics to understand. It helps you make important business decisions about sales, marketing, product development, and customer support.

Check it out: http://www.customerlifetimevalue.co/

17. Rival IQ

RivalIQDo you know how you are performing against your competitors or if your social media is actually working?

Rival IQ is a powerful social media analytics tool that can help to boost your social media performance and engagement.

Check it out: https://www.rivaliq.com/

18. Twitonomy

TwitonomyTwitonomy is a great free tool to gather insights from your Twitter analytics. The platform allows you to analyze different statistics for your Twitter account and offers analytics about your followers as well as the accounts that you follow.

Check it out: https://www.twitonomy.com/

19. Better Click To Tweet

Better Click To TweetWith 320 million active monthly users, Twitter is a great place to build brand profile and powerful business relationships. In fact, 36% of businesses say they have won business directly from Twitter. And I’m one of them. I’m a weekly blogger and to generate more views for my posts, I use the Better Click To Tweet WordPress plugin.

But guess what? It also helps me gain new Twitter followers!

Check it out: https://wordpress.org/plugins/better-click-to-tweet/

20. Blubrry PowerPress

BlubrryMy favourite podcasting tool is the Blubrry PowerPress podcasting WordPress plugin. I use this tool to embed my podcast audio recordings into my blog posts.

PowerPress is the number one podcasting plugin for WordPress. Developed by podcasters for podcasters; its features include simple and advanced modes, multiple audio/video player options, subscribe to podcast tools, podcast SEO features, and more. It fully supports iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn and Blubrry podcasting directories, as well as all podcast applications and clients.

So if you’re podcasting and sharing it on your WordPress blog then I’d highly recommend the Blubrry PowerPress podcasting plugin.

Check it out: https://www.blubrry.com/

21. TubeBuddy

TubeBuddyThis tool encompasses SEO for video, bulk processing and it’s also a superb productivity tool!

When you upload a video to YouTube and you have the FREE browser extension that integrates into YouTube installed you will run your channel with ease. It runs automated checks to ensure you’re following YouTube’s recommendations so it’s almost like a best practice checklist!

Check it out: https://www.tubebuddy.com

22. Bitmoji


If you follow me on social media you will likely see Jomoji popping up in your news feed. Jomoji is the digital JSB character that creates personality and injects fun into my digital storytelling.

Bitmoji is the app that I use to create Jomoji, and it’s available to download for free from the App Store or Google Play. There’s also a cool Chrome Browser extension so you can easily insert Bitmojis into Gmail, Messenger, Slack, virtually anywhere you communicate on the web. It also syncs with Snapchat and a whole host of personal branded Bitmojis are available for you to use in your snaps from the stickers option.

Check it out: https://www.bitmoji.com/

23. Press Release Wizard

Press Release WizardFor anyone new to the world of online PR, Press Release Wizard is a super helpful tool.

On the Press Release Wizard website, you are guided through how to write each section of your press release in real-time. It will guide you on how to write each section from the heading, to the intro, main body and conclusion. And when you’re finished, it sends a finished copy to your inbox. You can then copy and paste it from your email and send it out.

After using it a couple of times, you’ll remember how to write a press release without it. So go check it out.

Check it out: http://toolkit.prnewswire.com/pressreleasewizard/

24. Snaptag Editor

Snaptag EditorHave you ever wondered how to brand your Snapcode?

Snaptag Editor allows you to upload your logo, a photo or another png or jpg file to sit behind the Snapcode ghost icon.

You can also change the colour of the QR Code square to match your branding.

Check it out: https://snaptageditor.com/

25. Vitweet

ViTweetThis tool allows you to add a visual background to anything you tweet, automatically transforming any of your hashtag tweets into a stunning quote card!

Top tip: Do not include any media links or images in your tweet – ensure it is just text.

Check it out: http://en.vitweet.com/

26. Ninja Outreach

NinjaOutreachIf you are engaged in influencer outreach to help you expand your online presence to benefit your online business, you will want to use the social media tool.

Ninja Outreach is a super tool to find the right people for your marketing and business activities across the web and social media. The tool features helps you find executives, journalists and company influencers on the web and on social including Instagram and Twitter. You simply type in a keyword to find thousands of leads in seconds for your target keywords in any niche. You can filter by tags like bloggers, influencers, executives, journalist, and companies.

Ninja Outreach say there are over 4 million leads in their growing database. For example, I searched politics and social media and found relevant articles, authors and not only that but Ninja Outreach gives me the social shares of the articles, the Google Page Ranking, Domain Authority, Page Authority as well as web visits per month. This tool is awesome for reducing the time you spend on influencer marketing research and outreach!

Check it out: https://ninjaoutreach.com/

27. Pixel Caffeine by AdEspresso

PixelCaffeinePixel Caffeine by AdEspresso is a free WordPress plugin that allows you to create custom audiences for almost any parameter you want – whether its web pages visited, products and content viewed, or custom and dynamic events.

Check it out: https://wordpress.org/plugins/pixel-caffeine/

28. Google

GoogleYes the God of search engines, Google is the most important place to monitor our personal brand.

Google now processes over 40,000 search queries every second on average (visualize them here), which translates to over 3.5 billion searches per day and 1.2 trillion searches per year worldwide.

First things first, if you have never Googled yourself, then make it the first thing you do after reading this! Did you know that the content shared on most social networks is indexed on Google, even if you haven’t posted content about yourself, third party information from social networks and other sites will link back to you.

However, if you don’t like what the Internet is saying about you, you can take action and change it. 87% of the information the Internet has on us, we have put it there through our online activity. It’s a good idea to do a search on yourself incognito. This means that you log out of all Google accounts. This will give you a better indication of what others see when they Google you. Incognito mode opens a new window where you can browse the Internet in private without Chrome saving the sites you visit. You can switch between an Incognito window and any regular Chrome browsing windows you have open. You’ll only be in Incognito mode when you’re using the Incognito window.

So off you go to Google.com and see what the Internet says about you!

Check it out: https://www.google.com

29. Facebook Live

Facebook LiveFacebook Live is my number one live streaming platform. You can broadcast Facebook Live through your profile or through your Business Page.

To broadcast through your profile, tap to update your status and click the Live icon. Just like posting a regular status update, you write a quick description about your broadcast. This title will go out in the news feed and in notifications to your friends/fans. You can also choose the audience before going live. Select friends only, a specific friends list or public. Then tap Go Live.

During the broadcast, you’ll see the number of live viewers, which friends are tuning in and comments in real time. While people are watching you, invite those viewers to tap the Subscribe button. This way, they’ll get notified the next time you’re live.

Check it out: https://live.fb.com/

30. Survey Funnel

SurveyFunnelEvery good marketer personalizes the story, the campaign and the message! But it can be labour intensive to do this manually.  I’m currently building out my sales funnels for my online business and one super tool that is helping me segment my leads is Survey Funnel.

You can use this tool to test your product, find out your customers biggest challenges and also why they didn’t buy from you! If you want to personalize content to segment leads then I suggest have a look at Survey Funnel.

Check it out: https://surveyfunnel.io/

31. Twitter Audit

TwitterAuditHave you ever wondered how many fake followers you have or if anyone you are following has fake followers?

In the age of transparency and truth seeking, it’s not a bad idea to audit your Twitter account. I audited mine and from my 10,034 followers, 9,422 are real and 612 are fake. I will now use another tool called Tweepi to delete the fake followers. Each audit takes a random sample of 5000 Twitter followers for a user and calculates a score for each follower. This score is based on number of tweets, date of the last tweet, and ratio of followers to friends. We use these scores to determine whether any given user is real or fake.

Of course, this scoring method is not perfect but it is a good way to tell if someone with lots of followers is likely to have increased their follower count by inorganic, fraudulent, or dishonest means.

Check it out: https://www.twitteraudit.com/

32. Clips by Apple

Clips by AppleClips is an iOS app for making and sharing fun videos with text, effects, graphics and even music tracks. It’s perfect for Facebook and Instagram because of its square video dimensions. With a few taps, you can create and send a video message or tell a quick story with animated text, graphics, emojis and music. Its features include cool editing controls and effects as well as voice-transcribing auto-captioning. You can also upload your finished video directly to Instagram, YouTube and Facebook.

I love it for making fun videos about digital and social tips and tactics as well as mixing personal JSB digital tales!

Check it out: https://www.apple.com/au/clips

33. SpeakPipe

SpeakPipeIf you have WordPress.com website, you have the option of creating your personal voicemail page on SpeakPipe and adding a link to the voicemail page to your blog. There are three different ways to use SpeakPipe on your website.

Inline widget You can embed SpeakPipe directly into a blog post or webpage. An inline widget provides flexibility and you can give the widget context by embedding it directly into the content on your website.

Dialog widget You can add the SpeakPipe side button to your website. It allows your visitors to access the SpeakPipe dialog widget from any page of the website.

Voicemail page You can create a personal page on SpeakPipe without installing anything on your website. If you share the link to the page with your customers, they can use it to send you voice messages.

Check it out: https://www.speakpipe.com/

34. Ecamm Live

eCamm LiveEcamm Live for is designed to record FaceTime calls – both audio and video – to your Mac.

Think of the possibilities e.g. playing back a webinar you already created, playing a podcast you already recorded, playing back a promo video etc.

Check it out: http://www.ecamm.com/mac/ecammlive/

35. Animoto  

AnimotoAnimoto allows you to create professional-quality videos with pictures and video clips. It’s fast and easy to post to websites or download. Pricing plans range from $8 a month for personal use to $34 a month for businesses.

Check it out: https://animoto.com/

36. Sentiment140

Sentiment140Sentiment140 allows you to discover the sentiment of a brand, product, or topic on Twitter. The tool was developed by Standford University students. Assessing sentiment in your social media strategy is very important. You can also search by keyword for example and include the name of a politician or an opponent to view their sentiment analysis.

Check it out: http://www.sentiment140.com/

37. Headline Analyzer by Co.Schedule

Headline AnalyzerHeadlines as you might know, can make or break a post, and that’s why you want to make sure that yours is a winner. How often have you scrolled on after speed-reading a headline? Or what was the last article you read based on the headline that made you click?

Co-Schedule has created a headline analyzer that measures the effectiveness of your headline and it’s FREE! The tool makes it possible to test out as many variations of a headline as you’d like, scoring each one based on their algorithm from 1-100.

Check it out: https://coschedule.com/headline-analyzer

38. SafeKids from Kaspersky Lab

Kaspersky SafeKidsI have worked with Kaspersky Lab providing them e-learning courses. Their mobile app allows you to monitor your children’s communications wherever you are. As well as keeping watch over incoming and outgoing calls and texts – on their Android phones and tablets you can also monitor your kids’ public Facebook activities. Kaspersky Safe Kids shows you your children’s locations on a real-time map, plus you can define a safe area that you expect your kids to stay within.

If one of your children leaves the safe area, you’ll automvatically receive an alert on your mobile phone.

Check it out: https://www.kaspersky.com/safe-kid

39. Twitch

TwitchWhen it comes to gaming, is probably the number one app that every player’s phone needs. Just like the desktop version, Twitch allows gamers to stream their play sessions live online for the world to see.  This allows for any amount of different game styles to be viewed, as it’s the broadcasters choice what they wish to stream. Couple this with the fact that the streamer can also add on-the-fly commentary throughout the game and Twitch becomes a hugely entertaining app.

From here viewers can interact with the gamer in real time via a comments section that appears below the video stream. This, coupled with the commentary, opens opportunities for the streamer to really show off their personality; not just their in-game skills. Twitch is by far the most popular  streaming app in video game history. It’s used by games companied to display their upcoming titles, international tournament organisers to show off the skill and intensity of gaming tournaments. However, Twitch is not exclusive to the higher ups and bigwigs of the industry. Instead it’s available to every player by being integrated into the Playstation 4 console, meaning that every person who owns this machine could potentially be an online streamer.

When you begin broadcasting via Twitch, your smartphone will spring to life displaying options to instantly share your live stream throughout your selected social media accounts. When the broadcast is over you can export the footage directly to YouTube with the touch of a button.

Check it out: https://www.twitch.tv/

40. Zenark

ZenarkIf you are engaged in online PR campaigns or content outreach then you should ask yourself, ‘how much time am I spending each day reading through online news sites?’ Zenark provides its clients with news, information, and opinion from every key online source that impacts their business or organization. I am able to track keywords relating to my business and my clients so that I don’t miss an online media mention, and I get twice daily updates at 8am and 3pm collating all mentions so far that day. I also monitor for subjects I’m interested in for example, policing and social media and politics and social media.

With critical information collected and delivered to me by email twice daily I can identify threats or opportunities and act immediately and effectively while saving hours of manual research.

This is now I keep on top of news stories, which are evolving hourly in the digital age.

Check it out: https://www.zenark.com/

41. SpeechPad

SpeechpadSpeechPad is a transcription service and I am going to have all my podcasts transcribed into text. Can you imagine the SEO value in that?

Check it out: https://www.speechpad.com/

42. BeLive.TV

BeLiveFacebook Live has transformed the world of news. I find myself watching news reports and breaking news on Facebook more and more. I also use Facebook Live to amplify my own news and the tool that I use for this is BeLive.TV.

I like this tool because it provides more functionality than Facebook Live itself. BeLive.tv does not allow you to record anywhere else – you will be broadcasting directly to Facebook.

Check it out: https://belive.tv/

43. Trendspottr

TrendSpottrDo you want your content to be ahead of the curve? Trendspottr lets you tap into emerging trends on social media, giving you early signals about hot topics, popular hashtags, and rising influencers.

It also gives you positive and negative sentiment measurements for each trend it identifies, right down to specific emotions such as fear or excitement. With Trendspottr, you can get in at the start of trends instead of jumping on bandwagons that have already passed.

Check it out: https://www.trendspottr.com/ 

44. Trendsmap


Trendsmap helps you discover what is gives you real-time local Twitter trends. You can use this tool to  visualize topics trending globally, nationally, and in your city.

Check it out: https://www.trendsmap.com/

45. GatherContent

GatherContentGatherContent is an online platform for teams to collaborate on content. With GatherContent you can easily organise and produce content for website projects.

Check it out: https://gathercontent.com/

46. Google’s Mobile Web Speed Test

Google Mobile Speed TestDid you know that you have just seconds to keep the attention of a website visitor before they will jump away to another site or app. Research shows that nearly half of web users expect a site to load in two seconds or less, and they tend to abandon a site that isn’t loaded within three seconds.

Yes, the ideal website speed should be two seconds. So, it’s important for the user experience.

However, Google has indicated site speed (and as a result, page speed) is one of the signals used by its algorithm to rank pages.

Check it out: https://testmysite.thinkwithgoogle.com/

47. Trello

TrelloA Trello board is a list of lists, filled with cards, used by you and your team. It’s a lot more than that, though. Trello has everything you need to organize projects of any size. Open a card and you can add comments, upload file attachments, create checklists, add labels and due dates, and more.

“A collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards. In one glance, Trello tells you what’s being worked on, who’s working on what, and where something is in a process.”

Check it out: https://trello.com/

48. Whatagraph

WhatagraphWhatagraph is a marketing performance reporting platform that automatically converts website & social media data into visual, simple and understandable infographic reports. It supports multiple integrations, you can assign responsible users to clients, group your reports by clients or departments, set unique branding to each client and pay for what you need and many more features that definitely will take your reporting to the next level.

The software features automated data gathering capability that allows it to automatically collect data from over 10 data sources, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Google Analytics, and more. Once you have the data you need, Whatagraph lets you create custom templates to make sure that your data is visualized exactly the way you want it. On top of that, you can embed branding elements into your reports for added personalization.

Check it out: http://whatagraph.com/ 

49. Socialbakers

SocialBakersDo you want to see how your Facebook Page measures up to your top competitors or the biggest influencers in your industry?

Socialbakers allows Facebook marketers to check their page’s exposure within Facebook. Socialbakers will deliver your custom social media performance report in minutes so you can easily understand how well you are using social to nurture customer relationships.

Check it out: https://www.socialbakers.com

50. Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare FilmoraWho doesn’t love a gif! GIFs are a great way to make a statement or express an emotion and are highly engaging on social news feeds. They are like emojis with their impact. They are also useful to add into blog posts and keep a reader engaged. The Wondershare Filmora is rated as one of the best of its kind in film and GIF maker software. It is user-friendly and it showcases so many features to aid you in your designing needs for your website and more. Enjoy over 100 features of visual effects as well as complete control over audio and video settings.

Check it out: https://filmora.wondershare.com/

51. Facebook Business Manager

Facebook Business Manager96% of social media marketers consider Facebook the most effective social media advertising platform. If you haven’t set up your Facebook Business Manager account yet for your Page, then get it done within the next 24 hours. Within Business Manager you have Facebook Ads Manager where you access all of the marketing tools you need to create targeted ads to reach your various audiences.

If you are using Facebook as your core marketing channel, this is the one advertising tool that you need to fully understand, if you plan on reaching your goals.

Check it out: https://business.facebook.com/

52. Sales Navigator 

LinkedIn Sales NavigatorSales Navigator helps me find, understand and engage with marketing and communications professionals across the globe. It is a paid premium feature from LinkedIn but is valuable for me to build my online business as I want to connect with the right people. Some of the features include:

  • Advanced Lead and Company Search: Find the right people and companies with a search experience that delivers the most relevant prospects.
  • Lead Recommendations: Quickly discover the right people at your target accounts with suggestions customized for you.
  • CRM Integration: Automatically save the leads and accounts you are selling to and log Sales Navigator activity to CRM in a single click.
  • Real-time Sales Updates: Get relevant insights on your accounts and leads, including job changes.
  • Notes and Tags: Organize your leads and accounts with tags, and take notes that can be synced back to CRM.
  • Who’s Viewed Your Profile: View the expanded list of who’s viewed your profile in the last 90 days.

Check it out: https://business.linkedin.com/sales-solutions/sales-navigator

53. ManyChat

ManyChatManyChat is an easy-to-use tool if you are setting up your first Chatbot. When you connect your Facebook account to ManyChat you which page you want to connect your bot to, and it is already set up. After setting up you can already build your welcome message or first sequences. This is a really important step so you need to think about the customer journey.

Some of the ManyChat features include:

  • Messages
  • Growth Tools
  • Sequences, broadcasts
  • Autoposting
  • Live Chat, Audience option

Check it out: https://manychat.com/

54. Medium

Medium LogoThe ethos of Medium is inherently democratic; it seeks to give a voice to people who have something interesting to say, even if they don’t have thousands of Twitter followers, an active blog or friends in the right places. Medium is built to reward content for its quality, not for the pedigree or popularity of the author.

Medium Metrics: “Views” are the number of people who have looked at a post, while “reads” tells you how many have read the entire story. The Read ratio is the difference between your reads and views. Medium also has recommendations shared by readers.

Check it out: https://medium.com/

55. Nord VPN

NordVPNNordVPN is a provider of a Virtual Private Network, which gives you privacy while surfing online using publicly available Wi-Fi.

Did you know that you can’t be safe online without a VPN? I invested 3.29 per month for two years for the service!

Check it out: https://nordvpn.com/

56. ClickFunnels

ClickFunnelsFor anyone building an online business, getting the funnel right is central to your success. A funnel is basically a series of pages your visitors go through to reach a certain goal and it might look like this.

We are currently finalizing our first suite of knowledge products and we are using ClickFunnels helps you build different types of marketing funnels. A simple Lead Capture Funnel might consist of two pages, which collects a visitor’s email address and then sends them to a Thank you page when signing up. Or you could have more sophisticated sales funnels which are made up of multiple pages which sell to a visitor through each step of the funnel. If you are intending to sell online you might want to check it out, take a 14-day free trial.

Check it out: https://www.clickfunnels.com/

57. Talkwalker Alerts

Talkwalker AlertsDo you know when somebody is talking about you, your brand, organisation or campaign? Are you taking the social media temperature of relevant topics and conversations and using such insights to influence your online communications?

Talkwalker Alerts is a free tool from the guys at Talkwalker, and alternative to Google Alerts.

You can monitor the Web for interesting new content about your name, brand, competitors, and it even tracks Twitter mentions.

Talkwalker Alerts are an easy and free alerting service that provides email updates of the latest relevant mentions on the Web directly to your email box or RSS feed reader.

Check it out: https://www.talkwalker.com/alerts

58. Facebook Pixel

Facebook PixelAny marketer worth his or her salt will have this piece of powerful code installed on their and client websites. The Facebook pixel is an analytics tool that helps you measure the effectiveness of your advertising.

You can use the Facebook pixel to understand the actions people are taking on your website and reach audiences you care about.

There are many ways to use the Pixel to get results:

  • Track conversions as the Facebook pixel allows you to monitor how people interact with your website after viewing your Facebook ad.
  • Remarketing as the Facebook pixel tracking data allows you to show targeted ads to people who have already visited your site.
  • Create lookalike audiences as Facebook can use its targeting data to help you build a lookalike audience of people who have similar likes, interests, and demographics to people who are already interacting with your website, helping you expand your potential customer base.

In a nutshell, using a Facebook pixel can make your ads more effective by improving the quality of the ads you run, and by improving the targeting of the people who see them.

Check it out: https://www.facebook.com/business/a/facebook-pixel

59. Outreach Plus

OutreachPlusOnce you have discovered and audited the perfect influencers to work with, your next step is to do outreach.

OutreachPlus is a new email marketing outreach tool from Marketing Tech expert Ian Cleary founder of RazorSocial. His new platform is designed to help agencies, brands or publishers to generate more leads, links, press and relationships.

Check it out: http://www.outreachplus.com/

60. Pixabay

PixabayPixabay is a community of creatives, sharing copyright free images and videos. The site boasts over 1.1 million assets currently. All contents are released under Creative Commons CC0, which makes them safe to use without asking for permission or giving credit to the artist – even for commercial purposes.

However, depicted content may still be protected by trademarks, publicity or privacy rights. You may also use Pixabay images on social media platforms.

Check it out: https://pixabay.com/

61. 140 Chrome Extension

140 Chrome ExtensionStick to 140 Twitter characters with this novel Chrome Extension. There’s plenty of debate going on about whether Twitter’s decision to double its character limit from 140 to 280 is a good thing.

If like me, you prefer life in 140 characters there’s a handy little browser extension to satisfy all your Tweet needs! It’s called 140, and it’s made by Slate. It not only shortens long tweets to 140 characters on Twitter’s desktop site, but it also prevents you from posting tweets longer than the original limit.

Check it out: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/140/lhgijjjdomnmpmneiajmahjihnohicam 


62. ConvertKit

ConvertKitWe all know that success in content marketing is getting as many relevant eyeballs on our content.

Convert Kit helps us grow our list to allow us to achieve that goal. ConvertKit features include attractive forms, trackable data, and simple but powerful automations.

You can also build personalised emails using their drag and drop email sequence builder.

Check it out: https://convertkit.com/

63. Outbrain

OutbrainOutbrain is a sponsored content network for publishers to advertise their content as well as earn revenue from sponsored content hosted on their sites.

80% of the world’s leading brands use the software, which gets your content discovered. Outbrain gets your content recommended on premium sites, including The Guardian, The Telegraph, and Sky News for a fee, helping your content reach the most relevant audiences.

Check it out: https://www.outbrain.com/

64. Google Analytics UTM Builder

Google Analytics URL BuilderFor those of you that are producing, publishing and sharing lots of premium content, it’s vital we understand the role social plays in amplifying our content. The Google Analytics URL Builder is a free Chrome extension that lets you quickly craft UTM URLs for your social posts without having to leave the page.

Why UTM tracking?

Campaign tracking simply allows you to add special tracking code to your URL, also known as ‘tagging’ URLs, to identify how users are getting to your site.

Check it out: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-analytics-url-buil/gaidpiakchgkapdgbnoglpnbccdepnpk?hl=en

65. 1000 Vlog Ideas by Amy Schmittauer Landino

Amy LandinoAmy Schmittauer Landino has developed 1,000 vlog ideas for a range of sectors – so if you want ideas for yourself or for a client campaign, download the eBook here.

It’s a great content marketing tool!

Check it out: http://savvysexysocial.com/vloggingtopics/

66. Meltwater

MeltwaterMeltwater is a PR and social media monitoring tool that allows managers to interact on social media, curate content, track competitors and emerging stories, and measure the results of their efforts.

Meltwater helps PR professionals:

  • Find the best journalists to amplify your message. Search based on their beat, name, publication, previous content coverage and location.
  • Generate presentation-ready reports. Justify your existence by keeping your stakeholders informed of every aspect of your communications strategy.
  • Share internal news using branded newsletters, plus, manage your outreach to journalists and influencers with sharing and analytics tools.
  • Easily review the latest media coverage when you are on the go with the Meltwater Mobile app. Smart Alerts allow AI to be your fresh eyes on developing stories.

Check it out: https://www.meltwater.com/

67. Rev

RevBy now you know that JSB loves processes and is an efficient and effective content producer. But I couldn’t achieve the level of content output I do every week without some of my favourite tools. Rev is an excellent service providing transcription, captioning, sub-titling and translation services for digital content creators.

Recently, I wanted to add captions to a series of my videos for Facebook and YouTube, so I simply add the YouTube URLs to Rev and voila within 24 hours I had my SRT files, which I then upload to Facebook and YouTube for word perfect captioning! It’s a low-cost service too with captions costing $1 per minute!

Check it out: https://www.rev.com/

68. Zapier

Zapier LogoEveryone who knows JSB knows that I like to be organised and I love to plan. That’s why Zapier has been a welcome introduction into my life.

Zapier allows you to moves between your web apps automatically, so you can focus on your most important work.

  • Zapier is the glue that connects more than 750 web apps.
  • Zaps are Workflows that connect your apps, so they can work together.
  • Zaps Start with a Trigger—an event in one of your apps that kicks off your workflow.
  • Zaps Automate Tasks in the background, so you can focus on more important work.

Check it out: https://zapier.com

70. Bluenod

BluebnodBluenod is a simple way to find influencers with Twitter visualization. You can also manage your Twitter lists directly, export data and get more insights on hashtags.

To help you build a community you can target topic-related communities, identify influencers and their networks, and ultimately connect with them to find shared interests and common goals.

I’m currently using it to build up my own community of public sector marketing professionals.

Check it out: https://bluenod.com

69. LearnDash

LearnDashLearnDash is a Learning Management System (LMS) plugin for WordPress. If you are selling online courses or have an in-house academy structure for continuing professional development, then you will need an online education and learning platform.

WordPress is responsible for about 20% of the world’s websites and so many of us users love a plugin that will give us customised functionality.

I use LearnDash for my online policing course and will likely use it for this year’s online programmes for public sector marketing pros.

In LearnDash you have 4 separate Custom Post Types: Courses, Lessons, Quizzes and Certificates.

In addition to the above, you also have an “Advanced Quiz” area, which is separated from its plugin counterparts and shown at the bottom of the WordPress dashboard.

Since the plugin uses Custom Post Types, the editing area for entering Course and Lesson content looks exactly like the regular WordPress editing screen, with almost all the same controls, including Featured Image.

Check it out: https://www.learndash.com

70. Submerge

SubmergeIf you want to know how to add subtitles to video files on your Mac, Submerge will save your working week!

Submerge can easily create hard-coded subtitles merging your file with your video to create a new file that is suited for upload to third party platforms, such as social networks. It supports almost all text-based subtitle formats and you can export your video for the most common devices with just one click.

It also has a full screen player built-in, so you can watch the subtitled video directly within Submerge.

Check it out: http://www.bitfield.se/submerge

71. Addvocate

AddvocateAddvocate gives you data about the people who share your content the most on the largest number of social channels.

Such data can be invaluable for the creation of strong and effective content. Working with the top influencers and the individuals who are most committed to doing content marketing will drive up engagement and ultimately affect the online reputation of your company.

Addvocate also provides data about which content has been shared the most and which channels have produced the highest audience response. Apart from enabling enterprise sharing, this tool is great for figuring out what the audience wants and which social network is the best one for reaching the right crowd.

Check it out: http://addvocate.com

72. Adobe Premier Clip

Adobe Premier ClipAdobe Premiere Clip is Adobe’s powerful mobile video editing app. You can create quick video edits on the fly with a range of editing options. It’s of course fully compatibility with Adobe’s other apps and programmes.

Just hit the ‘plus’ icon in the bottom right corner to start a new edit.

It’s then a matter of importing video from your iPhone or producing the material live from the camera.

With all of the materials in place, you can either go hands-on with your own edit or have the app create one with the ‘Automatic’ feature. It will do so based on the beats of whichever soundtrack you choose.

Creating your own video edits is easy enough. A simple interface makes it easy to add effects, play with the exposure, add music, and more. You can even add in crossfades and fade-ins with minimal fuss.

Exporting your finished efforts to the Creative Cloud or direct to YouTube is a so easy, and you can send it to Premiere Pro for more advanced editing when you get to your PC.

Check it out: https://www.adobe.com/products/premiere-clip.html

73. Zoom H1 Audio Recorder

Zoom H1 Audio Recorder

I take this little device around with me everywhere, and I mean everywhere! It’s my audio recorder which allows me to convert a conversation into a podcast interview anywhere I go.

Yes, I must admit when I am talking to somebody new or somebody not so new, I’m considering their potential for an interview at the same time!

The audio I record on the Zoom H1 is also used for my vlogs. The audio capturing is clean and reliable, and ideal for use on video.

Check it out: It’s available on Amazon and all good electronic retail outlets and will set you back about €90, but it’s worth every penny!

74. Ahrefs

ahrefsAhrefs helps you to learn why your competitors are ranking so high and what you need to do to outrank them.

The tools you get with Ahrefs include: Competitive Analysis, Keyword Research, Backlink Research, Content Research, Rank Tracking and Web Monitoring

Check it out: https://ahrefs.com/

75. Facebook Groups

Facebook Groups

By setting up your own private Facebook group, you’ll spend zero money on your infrastructure, plus you get to house your community in a space that already contains a reported 1.49 billion monthly users.

But beware break Facebook’s rules and you could be locked out of your community and your business.

Facebook Group features:

  • Group Photos
  • Group Messages
  • Group Events
  • Group Files and Docs
  • Live Video
  • Native Video
  • Vet community members by asking questions before they are approved, you can also ask for their email address.

Discover all the Facebook Group features: https://www.facebook.com/help/265435626889287/

76. Datally

DatallyDatally helps you save up to 30% of your mobile data so that you don’t go over your monthly limit again! It’s also useful for users in emerging markets where the Wi-Fi connection is poor.

Saving mobile data is easy with Datally, a smart new app by Google. It’s a mobile data manager that will help you monitor, save, and gain control of your data. Through tracking and controlling app data usage, you save more data and get the most out of your phone.

Check it out: https://datally.google.com

77. Pocket Guide on GDPR

EU GDPR - A Pocket Guide by Alan CalderThe social media tool that saved my working week this week is a pocket guide on GDPR written by Alan Calder.

Gain a clear understanding of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) with this essential pocket guide – purchased by more than 14,000 readers worldwide – which explains: the terms and definitions used within the Regulation; its key requirements; and how to comply.

It’s also available in Spanish, French, German and Italian.

Check it out: You can buy it on Amazon for €12.95

78. Bonjoro


I’ve already mentioned that personalisation and relevance are key to successful social ad campaigns. My new discovery this week really fits this brief. Bonjoro helps you convert and retain more customers through personal video.

I’m using Bonjoro in two ways:

  • Sending personalised video messages to my contacts on LinkedIn to tell them why they should come along to the Public Sector Digital Marketing Summit.
  • Connecting MailChimp to Bonjoro will create a new Bonjoro for every new subscriber to my list.

By syncing your mailing list subscribers with Bonjoro you can send Bonjoros to all your lists or just one. Emails are sent via a Bonjoro email.

Check it out: https://www.bonjoro.com/

79. FilmoraGo

It’s a video editing tool which you can use on the go, on mobile or on desktop, and is super easy to use and very user-friendly. I use it on both mobile and desktop.

Top features include:

  • Import photo and video clips
  • Preview clips in real-time
  • Supports imports from social networking sites such as Facebook and Instagram
  • Fantastic templates and effects
  • Choose from stylish themes
  • Royalty free music
  • Check it out:  https://filmora.wondershare.com

80. eLink Pro

I want to signal a word of caution about this tool. Its usefulness comes with its ability to reach out and connect with potential prospects more easily. It replaces a very manual process with a more systemised one.

Start by inputting the keywords that are relevant to your business into eLink pro, and it will automatically search for the right matches for you.

eLink Pro not only filters the profiles of your potential prospects in bulk, it also engages with them on Twitter for you. But beware of over-automation.

The research phase is super useful, though!

Check it out: https://elink-pro.com/

81: Wisestamp

WiseStamp is a creative email signature tool.

WiseStamp’s 700,000 users say the tool helps strengthen their brand; get more leads; engage recipients on social; highlight their portfolio and get their brand out there.

WiseStamp is owned by WiseBrand the all-in-one platform that helps you turn your passion into your profession.

WiseBrand lets you build your business presence in less than an hour with tools such as professional email signatures, business pages, business listings, business cards, merchandising and analytics.

Check it out: https://www.wisestamp.com/

82. LeeTags

Some of the many features that Leetags has to offer:

  • Instagram Search – The only application in the world to do real-time search on Instagram the most relevant hashtags related to any subject.
  • Categories – Hundreds of categories related to various subjects with hashtags chosen by hand by our team for you to use.
  • Favourites – Save the results of your searches, categories or create a favourite to save your time when using hashtags.
  • Smart and random selection – Select the best hashtags automatically or if you prefer randomly select to diversify.
  • FAQs – Read our tips and answers to frequently asked questions about Instagram

Check it out: https://www.leetags.com

83. Fanpage Karma

If you need to analyse, compare and report on your social networks and rate them against competitors, then FanPage Karma is just what you’ve been looking for!

The tool is easy to use and you can create a dashboard with just a few clicks. It’s great for getting a quick overview of your most important KPIs on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest. User experience could be better but it still does what it promises.

For many of us it’s important to stay on track about the performance of our own social media channels and those of our most relevant competitors.

With Fanpage Karma it’s easy to visualise and to analyse as much channels as needed and to review them within one or more dashboards.

Check it out: http://www.fanpagekarma.com/.

84. Time Graphics

This free online timeline maker is super easy to use and also paints a great picture of your timeline – whether it’s to illustrate a strategy timeline, project timeline, content timeline or social media timeline.

If you want to keep your timeline private you will have to upgrade to premium starting at $14 per month.

Find out more at: https://time.graphics

85.  Sweet Process

I love standard operating procedures. I even have one for this podcast! I follow a formula which cuts down the time to create it without impacting the quality of it.

In business, we should try and create processes for repetitive tasks and if you struggle to doing that then Sweet Process might be just what you are looking for.

I started using it this week to build up a series of processes that I have in my head but should really be documented somewhere.

So why should you consider using it?

  • Free up your time
  • Stop spending time on repetitive tasks. Get them documented and out of your head, so someone else can do them. Now you’re free to focus on growing your business.
  • When a team member leaves, training their replacement is a breeze since all of their tasks have been documented and refined over time.
  • Reduce errors and re-do’s
  • Procedures are easy to follow, illustrated with screenshots, videos and checkboxes to ensure no steps are missed.
  • Add value to your business

A business built on a foundation of well-documented Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) has a higher value, which grows over time.

Check it out: https://www.sweetprocess.com/

86. Ferrite

This recommendation was given to me by RTÉ Morning Ireland mobile reporter and producer Cian McCormack. I met Cian at Mojofest and he showed me how he uses the Feritte app when reporting in the field.

Ferrite suits mojo reporters as it makes it fast and easy to record and edit audio on the move — while making powerful features like effects and automation available when you need them. As a content creator that’s always on the move I decided to check it out.

Ferrite focuses on workflow, with features to speed you up and a clean user interface designed to get out of your way. It works just like a voice memo app: one tap and you’re recording. But there’s also a full editing suite to assemble your recordings — and imported clips — into polished final audio.

It’s for iOS users only on iPhone and tablet.

Check it out: https://www.wooji-juice.com/products/ferrite/

87. Nearby from LinkedIn

At the Public Sector Digital Marketing Summit, I asked people to turn on the Nearby feature on LinkedIn so we could all connect with each other.

You need to do this when everyone is actually on their phones and has the LinkedIn app open.

So how does it work?

Find Nearby” uses your device’s Bluetooth to work and “scan” the people around you. Of course, all users would need to activate the feature to be discoverable. Once activated, you can choose to let people nearby discover you, for the next one to three days – or forever – which, in LinkedIn’s terms, means weekdays, 9am-5pm.

Check it out: https://www.linkedin.com

88.  Facebook Camera Effects

I’ve had the complete pleasure of running the digital marketing for Ireland’s national maritime festival, SeaFest, which takes place at Galway Harbour this weekend.

For the past three months, my team and I have been elevating the digital activities to match the superb event that brings our harbour to life and attracts over 100,000 people.

So, this weekend I created a bespoke SeaFest frame. I want to take advantage of having over one hundred thousand people get together for SeaFest. Not only are we promoting the official hashtag #SeaFest8 for greater engagement we are also giving people to share their own SeaFest experience on Facebook Stories using our branded frame.

The frame went live today and will be live for the duration of the free family festival.

So if you have an event coming up why not create one for greater customer and audience engagement and it’s totally free! To find out how to create one, log onto digitaltraining.ie to read the blog post associated with this podcast.

89. Autoprompter

AutoPrompter is a smart teleprompter App for iOS.

It helps you deliver better presentations online and make better videos with a huge selection of professional tools and smart features.

It’s a pretty cool app which:

* Intelligently scrolls your script automatically using voice recognition.

* Automatically scroll your script from beginning to end in a specified amount of time.

* Reflect the text of your script for use in professional teleprompter rigs.

* Import PDF, Word, Powerpoint, txt and rtf files instantly from any of your favourite apps.

* Use your device camera to record as you read your script.

* Insert multiple cue points in your script to quickly jump to different positions

* Compose and edit your scripts and speeches with the advanced built-in script composer.

* Use any other iOS device monitor and control scrolling and speed of your scripts remotely.

I bought the pro version for one-year for €29.49

 Check it out:  https://autoprompter.com/

90. Google Podcasts

Since January this year, I’ve been waiting for Google Podcasts to roll out globally so I could bring JSB Talks Digital to an even wider audience. So, this week we launched said podcast on the Google podcast network!

I will now be able to reach more Android users and those interested in digital marketing and social media because Google Podcasts will use Google’s recommendation algorithms in an effort to connect people with shows they might enjoy based on their listening habits.

While podcasts have previously been available on Android through Google Play Music and third-party apps, Google says the company “expects Podcasts to bring the form to hundreds of millions of new listeners around the world.”

Check it out: https://play.google.com

91. Weasi Peasi

I have my own websites and a client site using this service. Speed was an issue for my site and with their package they improved it.

I also receive a monthly personalised website status report giving me a breakdown of how my website is performing.

Nathan and his team continue to monitor my site and apply any 
necessary updates or improvements that it needs.

Check it out: https://weasipeasi.support/

92. Promo by Slidely

This week I bought a new video tool package and I’m really enjoying using it.

Promo is a digital video service that fuses premium footage, quality licensed music and attention-grabbing copy to create instant promotional videos at affordable prices.

Sometimes you  want to create a video for social but don’t have much time. This for me is the main problem Promo solves.

Launched in 2012, Slidely has over 50 million videos, slideshows, and collages created with over 300 million views on its own platform.

Find out more: https://slide.ly/promo

93. Loom

Loom’s tagline is “Send a Video, Not a Thousand Words.”

This free screen and video recording software allows you to brief team members or clients with how-to demonstrations.

With its Chrome extension, it’s literally one-click screen recording and the upload is instant too, letting me share with the team or clients immediately without any further editing or setup needed.

Give it a go and find out more at https://www.useloom.com/

94. Fake Check

Fake Check is an easy to use web-based tool to check any public Instagram account. With no login required you can get an insight into the quality of any Insta account’s followers.

Fake Check analyses an Instagram account and their 20 most recent posts to see how engaged their followers are. This is the level of social engagement, which is more important than the social reach. If the resulting ratios for likes and comments based on the number of follower is outside the industry standard, it is likely that the account has paid Instagram followers.

When you search for an account you can unlock the report by using credits. Buy credits now to start unlocking reports. One credit unlocks one report. Starting from $1.00!

Find out more: https://fakecheck.co/

95. Tchat

Tchat makes it much simpler and easier to keep up with a Twitter chat because it updates in real-time, much faster than Twitter. Before you start chatting however, you’ll need to sign into your Twitter account.

Not only does tchat update faster than a normal Twitter feed, but it also allows you to “pause” your feed if things get too crazy.

Pausing the stream will allow you to catch up with the discussion if you fall behind. Once you’re caught up, click play to get the stream updating again in real-time.

Don’t leave it paused for too long – just because the conversation stops on your screen doesn’t mean it’s stopped on Twitter! Tchat also provides timestamps on each tweet so you know exactly what’s being said and when.

Give it a go: http://www.tchat.io/

96. Ubersuggest

The social media tool that saved my working week this week is Uber Suggest from Marketer and SEO expert Neil Patel who acquired it earlier this year and revamped it.

Ubersuggest pulls in data from Google’s Keyword Planner and Google Suggest to give you tons of keyword suggestions.

The updated tool pulls in keyword data from Google Keyword Planner and Google Suggest and the result is a vastly improved keyword research tool. Oh and did I mention it’s free!

The volume data is pulled from Google Keyword Planner, while the cost per click (CPC) and difficulty numbers comes from AdWords.

Give it a go: https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/

97. Twitter Search Bar

The social media tool that saved my working week this week is Twitter search bar.

I used it right throughout the weekend of the Pope’s visit to monitor Twitter conversations, media updates and the opinions and views of the public. I also used it to find and curate user-generated content.

If you’re not using this as a core social listening tool then you are missing a social media trick!

98. Grytics

Grytics is a SaaS solution for SocialMedia Analytics on Facebook groups, for Community Managers, WebMarketers and PR. It allows organisations of all size:

* to improve customer relationship through the analysis of publications on their Facebook groups

* to help gain marketing intelligence

* to engage and deliver a better service to client/fan communities

* to measure, predict, improve group performance

* to enhance community management

* to increase engagement

* to curate content

Prices start at $15 a month, but you can get a 14-day free trial.

Try it out: https://grytics.com/

99. Google Home

Google Home is a brand of smart speaker developed by Google. Google Home allows users to give voice commands to interact with services through the Google Assistant.

The Google Assistant integrated into Google Home can engage in two-way conversations.

We used it throughout our mobile masterclass at Google’s Digital Academy to play music during our breaks. Also, to illustrate how the assistant can be used.

Find out more: https://store.google.com/product/google_home

100. Speed Scorecard

The Google tool that saved my working week this week is their Speed Scorecard & Impact Calculator which compare your mobile site speed against your competitors.

With most people abandoning a mobile site visit if the page takes more than a few seconds to load, speed mattes a lot!

Compare up to 10 domains to see how your site stacks up. With the Impact Calculator you can then estimate your revenue impact. Mobile site speed can affect conversion rates and as a result – revenue. Fill in your information to see how improving your site speed could impact revenue.

Try them out: https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/feature/mobile/

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  • Simona Rusnakova Reply

    Thank you Joanne for compiling such an amazing list of digital marketing and social media tools websites. I would like to mention another useful social media tool; http://truetwit.com. It helps you to manage your twitter followers. It can also tell you who is not following you back. You can unfollow them in the same screen.

    • Joanne Sweeney-Burke Reply

      Hi Simona, Thank you for your feedback! It was a listener who actually suggested I put all my Tools of the Week from the podcast in a blog post. I will definitely add TrueTwit.com after I try it out.

  • Gary John Reply

    thanks for the summary Joanne. There are just so many tools and pieces of software out there, that it is nice to have an overview


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