A Guide to Being SEO Savvy

Demistifying Search Engine Optimisation   What is SEO? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation – an effective way to drive traffic to your website organically and enhancing the chances of your website being ranked in the top results of a Search Engine by adding key words, tags, titles and descriptors to content shared on your website. Search Engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo work using algorithms (which constantly change may I add) so it is important to keep up to date with these.     Why SEO? SEO is very important when you own a website because people rely

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The Importance of Privacy Settings

Social Media has given us the opportunity to connect and share with people across the globe. In fact this is the most basic premise of Social Networking channels. But with this comes responsibility .  Think about it, Would you open your door to any given stranger and let them into your life without knowing anything about them? Probably not. so why do we allow this to happen  online? You need to be careful with the information you share online and how you protect it. There are many combinations of privacy settings on social media platforms, you must read these individually

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