Ireland’s very first Digital Skills Study is an alarming read. While Dublin may be considered the Silicon Valley of Europe, it seems we are coming bottom of the class when it comes to digital skills. The report below compiled by Digital Marketing Institute, shows that just one in five people working in the marketing profession has even entry level digital marketing competency and if the deficiency is not addressed, the country will not achieve the 150,000 jobs which could potentially be created in the digital economy by 2020. The study also found that 83% of workers with a marketing remit failed to achieve
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We are on Snapchat. Follow us – DigitalTraining Snapchat is slowly becoming one of the most popular social networking apps. It has many features, which allow the user to send pictures, videos, video chat and message. Here is everything you need to know about the app. How to set up Snapchat Download the Snapchat app from the iTunes or android store. Once downloaded, enter the app and click sign up. Enter your email address, preferred password and your birthday. Click sign up. Then you are a member. Team Snapchat will send you a tutorial video to help get you
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Facebook are constantly changing and it can be very frustrating. However we love their new rules. Did you know that you are now not able to ‘like-gate’. Read more below from Jon Loomer. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Facebook recently made updates to their API and SDKs, but one of the most impactful changes was buried at the bottom of the announcement: You must not incentivize people to use social plugins or to like a Page. This includes offering rewards, or gating apps or app content based on whether or not a person has liked a Page. It remains acceptable to incentivize people to login
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We are delighted to announce our new course which will be launched in October. Here is everything you need to know about the new course. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Young Minds Online is an online course, which will equip young people, aged 11-18 with the skills to stay safe when online. The course contains five modules and the learning materials are fully flexible so that they can be studied via desktop, tablet or mobile when at home, at school or simply on the go! Course objectives: To educate young people on the importance of online reputation To empower young people to become
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