[PODCAST] Happy 20th Birthday Google | You Changed Everything

Happy Birthday Google 20 years old

JSB Talks Digital Podcast #118

JSB Talks Digital is a weekly digital marketing and social media podcast hosted by author, strategist, consultant, speaker and trainer Joanne Sweeney-Burke. Each Friday Joanne shares her digital marketing and social media insights from her work as CEO of Digital Training Institute. 

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In this episode #118, I’m celebrating Google’s 20th birthday!

* In social media news:

o Instagram co-founders quit to build new things

o Snapchat adds new Amazon ecommerce integration

o Facebook will now allow Pages to join Facebook Groups

* I interview Alan Hennessy and Christina Brauer about how Google has changed our lives and our marketing

* Shoutouts: Lessons from Larry and Sergey, the co-founders of Google

* Ask JSB

* In JSB’s column: Why Google is the Goliath of the Internet and are you ready for the next digital chapter?

* And find out what Google tool saved my working week


Instagram co-founders quit to build new things

Big new this week on the social media front with a statement from Kevin Systrom, Instagram co-founder and CEO announcing he and Mike Krieger are stepping down and moving on.


In a blog post this week he wrote:

“Mike and I are grateful for the last eight years at Instagram and six years with the Facebook team. We’ve grown from 13 people to over a thousand with offices around the world, all while building products used and loved by a community of over one billion. We’re now ready for our next chapter.

“We’re planning on leaving Instagram to explore our curiosity and creativity again. Building new things requires that we step back, understand what inspires us and match that with what the world needs; that’s what we plan to do.

“We remain excited for the future of Instagram and Facebook in the coming years as we transition from leaders to two users in a billion. We look forward to watching what these innovative and extraordinary companies do next.”

Let’s see what happens next at Instagram and who will take over the leadership of the company.


Snapchat adds new Amazon ecommerce integration

Snapchat has announced a new partnership with Amazon which will enable users to shop at any time via the Snapchat camera.

Called visual search, you simply point your Snapchat camera at a physical product or barcode, and press and hold on the camera screen to get started.

When the item or barcode is recognized, an Amazon card will appear on-screen, surfacing a link for that product or similar ones available on Amazon. Tap your selection to visit the Amazon App (if you have it installed on your phone) or Amazon.com, where you can complete your purchase or keep browsing.

Snapchat says:

“Beginning this week, we’re testing a new way to search for products on Amazon right from the Snapchat camera. We’ll be rolling it out slowly, but we wanted to announce it to everyone at the same time. It’s super easy to use. Simply point your Snapchat camera at a physical product or barcode, and press and hold on the camera screen to get started.”


Facebook will now allow Pages to join Facebook Groups

Facebook is now allowing some Pages to join Facebook groups, and comment and interact within them as a business Page.

Speaking to Social Media Today, Facebook explained the update:

“We’ve heard from people that engaging with public figures, non-profits, publishers, and businesses in a more intimate setting can be meaningful. We previously launched the ability for Pages to start Facebook Groups so that they can engage with their communities. We are now testing the ability for Pages to join existing Facebook Groups as well.”

Being able to interact in groups as your business Page may provide a new way to generate exposure, and to build brand awareness within relevant Facebook communities.

Right now, the ‘Allow Pages to request to join as group members’ is active by default, so unless a group admin has chosen not to let Pages join, Pages included in the test pool should be able to join most groups.

Do you have the feature yet? Are you happy that Pages can join your Group? Will it make a difference to the dynamic within Groups? I actually think it will be useful for my public sector audiences who so often don’t want to use their personal profiles for work.



In this episode, I interview digital marketers Alan Hennessy and Christina Brauer about how Google has changed our professional and personal lives over the past 20 years here’s their thoughts. I also ask them for their favourite Google product because Google is so much more than a search engine.

Happy 20th Birthday Google



In this part of the show I give shoutouts to brands, organisations or individuals whose work online is remarkable and worth talking about.

In this episode, I’m giving shoutouts to Google co-founders Larry Page & Sergey Brin creators of the number #1 search engine in the world.

Larry Page is the CEO of Google’s parent company Alphabet Inc. As of June 2018, Larry Page was the ninth-richest person in the world, with a net worth of $53.6 billion. Sergey Brin is the President of Google’s parent company Alphabet Inc. Sergey Brin is the 10th-richest person in the world, with an estimated net worth of $52.1 billion.

I asked my Facebook friends to record my favourite quotes from these two leaders, so let Denise, Philip, Kerry, Amanda, Ian, Sarah, Ruth, Emma, Debbie, Jean and Janie take it away.

Before I finish this segment, let me share my ultimate favourite one that I and many of you will identify with.

“The only way you are going to have success is to have lots of failures first.”



In this week’s ASK JSB, BobbyB has the best question I’ve ever had on this show!

If you have a digital marketing or social media question, don’t forget you will have it answered on the show by using the hashtag #AskJSB on Twitter or Instagram. You can also leave me a voicemail with your question at www.digitaltraininginstitute.ie/askjsb.

And you can also post a message on any of my social networks!




In today’s JSB’s column I reflect on why Google is the Goliath of the Internet and I want to ask you if you are ready for the next big digital chapter?

Let’s start with going back to the beginning. Do you know how Google got its name?

A googol is the large number 10100. In decimal notation, it is written as the digit 1 followed by one hundred zeroes:


The creators Larry Page and Sergey Brin, chose this name to represent the enormous amount of information that the search engine was going to process. Although at the time, they didn’t know how far they would go.

Its colours (yellow, red, blue and green) come from the Lego pieces. Why? When the founders of Google were testing their search engine in 1996, they used the pieces of the popular construction game to create part of the server casing that was in charge of it. Today, it can be seen at the Stanford Computer Museum in the United States.

1% Into Our Digital Transformation!

Google said this year that they are only 1% of the way on the road to how technology is going to change our lives and our businesses. This is a remarkable statement and may inject fear in some of you listening.

We already feel unprepared for the now never mind the future, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned in my career is that technology waits for nobody. You either disrupt leveraging technology or you will be disrupted.

I also want to point you that consumer behaviour has a big role to play in how technology is evolving.

Every day there are 1 billion people logged into Google devices and they are seeing how consumers are interacting on the Internet. This behaviour is driving change and shaping how technology companies develop new products and services.

The smartphone coupled with the free availability of WiFi and the democratization of the Internet has given us so much freedom and power and we are using it to our own advantage every hour of the day.

Google is a powerhouse on the Internet stage. Here’s some remarkable facts:

o They are the biggest search engine in the world

o YouTube, which they own, is the worl’d second largest search engine

o By 10am there are 1 billion Google searches

o Google now processes over 40,000 search queries every second on average (visualize them here), which translates to over 3.5 billion searches per day and 1.2 trillion searches per year worldwide. The chart below shows the number of searches per year throughout Google’s history:

o Its algorithms, which determine the search results and the order each page gets within them, have an enormous influence and can even determine the fate of some companies. It is estimated that these change about 500 times a year, and no one knows exactly what the criteria are.

Writing in a blog post this week, Ben Gomes, VP of Search said there were three key areas they are focused on for the next chapter of search marketing.

* The shift from answers to journeys: To help you resume tasks where you left off and learn new interests and hobbies, we’re bringing new features to Search that help you with ongoing information needs.

* A transition  from queries to providing a queryless way to get to information: We can surface relevant information related to your interests, even when you don’t have a specific query in mind.

* And the switch from text to a more visual way of finding information: We’re bringing more visual content to Search and completely redesigning Google Images to help you find information more easily.

If you want to discuss your digital marketing strategy then get in touch. Drop me an email to [email protected].


Social Media Tool of the Week

The Google tool that saved my working week this week is their Speed Scorecard & Impact Calculator which compare your mobile site speed against your competitors.

With most people abandoning a mobile site visit if the page takes more than a few seconds to load, speed mattes a lot!

Compare up to 10 domains to see how your site stacks up.

With the Impact Calculator you can then estimate your revenue impact

Mobile site speed can affect conversion rates and as a result – revenue. Fill in your information to see how improving your site speed could impact revenue.

Try them out for yourself! https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/feature/mobile/


I love feedback!

Thank you for tuning into episode #117 of JSB Talks Digital. If you are a regular listener I would love a review!

As always, I have everything discussed on today’s show on my award-winning blog at digitaltraining.ie. My blog has now reached the shortlist for the 2018 Blog Awards.

Digital Training Institute entered in two categories – Best B2B Blog and Best Marketing & Communications Blog – so hopefully we will be finalists when announced in a few weeks!

Don’t forget we are now on Google Podcasts reaching more Android users. You can subscribe on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Libsyn, Stitcher or Soundcloud.

If you are interested in becoming a digital marketing pro and work in the public sector, check out my new Diploma in Digital Communications for Public Sector at: https://publicsectormarketingpros.com/diploma/

I also have a dedicated monthly podcast, released on the first of each month for you guys!

The doors are open so you can join anytime.

Thank you for continuing to listen and don’t forget to get in touch you’re your questions. I love hearing from my listeners, don’t be a social media stranger!

Tweet me to @tweetsbyJSB; post a comment on our Facebook Page; Digital Training Institute. you can also snap me at jsbsnaps or why not send a boomerang to jsbgrams.

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