8 Social Media Marketing Trends From Social Media Examiner Survey of Marketers

8 Social Media Marketing Trends

Michael Stelzner, Founder and CEO of Social Media Examiner and creator of Social Media Marketing World took to the stage on the morning of Monday 18th April to deliver his keynote address to 3,000 attendees. As a social media marketer the Social Media Examiner Industry Report is one I await with great interest. Michael and his team survey over 3,000 marketers on a range of social media topics to find out what’s hot, what’s not and what’s posing a challenge to social media marketing professionals. While the full contents of the 2016 Social Media Industry Report will be released in May we

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Top Digital Marketing Gurus – Who I Read!

Can you know everything about Digital Marketing? I don’t think so! It’s a discipline that’s changing daily and it feels impossible to keep up with it. So like any good professional I consume a daily digest of blogs, articles, videos and social media content to keep my knowledge current. People often ask me to recommend bloggers or websites so I thought I’d write a blog post and share my virtual digital mentors with you. If you have any other suggestions, then I’d love to hear them.     Who are the digital gurus? I’ve categorised my digital gurus just as I consume their content – authors,

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