Earlier this week it was announced that the NAPD will call on the Government to develop a national cyberbullying policy after survey conducted by Amárach Research, found that 16 per cent of students have experienced bullying online, a 33 per cent increase on last year. The recent reports led to debate about the actions the Government intend to take to tackle the increase on cyberbullying. We came across this and though it might be of interest to our readers. Topical Issue Debate The need for the government to outline what action it intends to take to tackle the increase in
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A recent report released by the NAPD highlighted how parents may not be fully aware of the extent to which the children are suffering, with only 12pc reporting that a child of theirs has been a victim of cyberbullying and just 26pc of parents saying that they monitor their children’s activities online on a daily basis, while 15pc never monitor. What parents need to know? Before social media if you were being bullied in school you at least had the comfort of knowing that once you were at home you were safe, now chances are if you are being bullied in
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In the wake of reports from the NAPD that cyber-bullying has seen a 33% increase in just a year we have put together a few steps for a child or teen to take if they are being bullied online. 1. Firstly always remember what is happening is not your fault and that nobody deserves to be treated that way. 2. If you are being cyber-bullied tell someone you can trust, a parent, an aunt or uncle or a teacher. Noone can help you if they don’t know and nobody should have to deal with the upset caused by online bullying
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