7 Ways To Use GoAnimate For Video Storytelling

7 Video Storytelling Techniques

Do you struggle with creating online video? Have you discovered GoAnimate? Video storytelling is a great way to generate engagement online and will ensure you stand out from the digital marketing crowd. I began using GoAnimate, a video storytelling tool quite a while ago after doing some research on engaging video tools. It didn’t take me too long to figure out how to use it, from creating storyboards to adding music and creating characters and backgrounds. We’ve included GoAnimate in our Digital Toolbox which is featured on our website’s homepage. We use tools that benefit our business, we teach our students how to

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Best Irish Soccer Fan Videos From Euro 2016

Best Irish soccer fan videos from Euro 2016

In episode #5 of my podcast JSB Talks Digital I gave a shout-out to the Irish soccer fans at the Euro 2016 championships in France. They broke the Internet with their friendly and funny antics, which have gone viral! Wherever you are in the world, you cannot escape the videos capturing the banter of the green army supporting their team and country. It’s been quite a proud tournament for us Irish, with our team making it to the last 16 of the Euro championships for the first time in our soccer history. But the real legacy of this sporting tournament is the

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